I want to create icons/buttons on screen. I have no clue where to start.

I am writing a program for gaze/ eye tracker to be used like a mouse. i have the codes to move mouse and do automated clicks.

i want to have 2 or 3 icons that allow me to select between doing single left click, right click and double clicking.

how do i create small boxes at the top of screen or side? and how do i detect them when clicked?

Thanks for helping
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it will be good for you if you create push buttons on the screen.
when you create your main window, create buttons using CreateWindow() function.

now you can catch button click using wm_command in the windowproc function.

If you want to use icons instead of buttons, you can use custom buttons or buttons with bitmap.
I understand that you just want the buttons. Not in a window. I'm new at Win32 but I think first you must create a main window but in a transparent style. I mean there must/will be a main window but user won't see it. User will see the buttons only. Look for Window Styles in MSDN.
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