Building MySQL++ for Windows

Short version: I got errors compiling MySQL++
Long story:
I've coded something under Linux using MySQL++, now I wanted to port it for windwos. Therefore, I need a Windows MySQL++ lib. According to google, there is no way to get it precompiled (which seems pretty funny to me...), so I just tried to compile it myself. Something, I must admit is, I use VC++ 10 beta. I installed MySQL Server 5.1 with headers, to avoid changing the paths, I just linked "%ProgramFiles%\MySQL\MySQL Server" 5.0 to ".\MySQL Server 5.1". I took the vc2008 files for conversion. VC++ complains about unresolved external symbols:

Whole output:

I hope you can help me with getting that lib...
You're having functions declared, but not defined. You probably don't have all of the files you need, or you might not be linking them correctly.
I think I really tried now...

The Problem is: I don't really know what I am looking for.
A single line of those errors is a mess for me...

1>connection.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_get_client_info@0 referenced in function "public: class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > __thiscall mysqlpp::DBDriver::client_version(void)const " (?client_version@DBDriver@mysqlpp@@QBE?AV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@XZ)

It looks like I don't link something of the mysql-stuff right. But I link mysqlclient.lib and libmysql.lib, there is nothing left to be linked from the mysql include dir. I tried all the other libs once.
What do you mean by:
I just linked "%ProgramFiles%\MySQL\MySQL Server" 5.0 to ".\MySQL Server 5.1" ??
I used a symlink.

But I figured out now, I need the 32bit Version of MySQl-Server... When something does not work: It's always x64 vs x86...
And that line saved me from changing all the project settings:
mklink /J "%ProgramFiles%\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0" "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0"
Actually my suggestion for the directory name thing was going to be (a) to rename the folder, or (b) copy the folder and give the copy the required name :-)
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