Good DirectX Book

I was pointed to a good WinAPI book the last time I asked, and honestly I'd rather not risk trying the Amazon book reviews again. Does anyone have any suggestions on books or tutorials for learning the DirectX API?
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I am not a directx guru but i have seen microsoft publishing good books for their technologies like for windows programming, mfc, COM they have the best books in market..
just to suggest, you can try inside directx from microsoft series.
I'd really rather not use the MFC if possible. I don't have Visual Studio, so it's useless to me. Plus, that's more focused on document-oriented programs like Notepad and Word.

Thanks for the suggestion though, I'll check it out. I'm still open to other suggestions though, Microsoft's books tend to be a bit unfriendly reading-wise.
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i didnt mean that.. you took me wrong.. i said if these technologies have very good book by microsoft then inside directx must also be a very good book.. i am not asking about using mfc..
My peronal library contains a couple of good ones. I recommend:

Beginning DirectX 10 Game Programming

Note that this book expects you to have a full mastery of C++ and is not a step by step tutorial.
i didnt mean that.. you took me wrong.. i said if these technologies have very good book by microsoft then inside directx must also be a very good book.. i am not asking about using mfc..
I know, I'm not exactly sure why I said that...

And thanks, I'll take a look at it.
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