problem Console Aplication

hy i m new in c++ and have a problem to resolv, actually 2... anyway could anyone help me, with results an axplanations too.
first one---------------------------------------------------------------------
Create a console application.
Make a class "Geometry".
Derive a class Circle and a class Rectangle from Geometry.
Make a class Display which is able to print the Geometry area
Create a small test function which instantiate a Circle and a Rectangle and displays their area using the Display class.
...and the second...-----------------------------------------------------

Create a console application.
Implement a box class havin a "weight" property.
Implement a binary tree class which is able to hold boxes.
Implement a routine which is able to search for a box with the weight closest to a given weight.
Implement a test routine which ask the user for "weights" from which boxes are created and added in the tree.
Implement a test routine which ask the user for a weight and search it in the tree and return the weight which best matches the user input.
What have you done so far?
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
No, we will not do your homework for you! And why is it called Geometry? It should be Polygon... That's more descriptive :/.
don t need to do it but at least please tell me some ideas and some materials to document myself, will apreciate it, or send me a link for ,,test routine,, because i couldn t find it on web, or an example an explanation, what should i do!! I m a begginer and just need to learn C++ for a job, nothing more. if u can help me is good but if u don t want to help ne not even with some advices...thank u anyway...
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