Where to start?

Where can I learn to write programs for Windows?

I would really like to learn how to create programs with a GUI and write programs to automate things in Windows.

Thanks for all your help.
Get code blocks then start learning C++ start by learning console programming then for a GUI learn win32 there are lots of tutorials on this site to help you learn.
That post looks helpful... Have you tried looking at any books specifically for making programs in windows? http://www.relisoft.com/win32/index.htm
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closed account (S6k9GNh0)
For professionalism and everyone's convenience, please take a look at cross-platform programming. Almost any app can go cross-platform without to much extra work.
For professionalism and everyone's convenience, please take a look at cross-platform programming. Almost any app can go cross-platform without to much extra work.

For the price of lower performance.

/me knows this statement will get himself a reply. =D
For the price of lower performance.

/me knows this statement will get himself a reply. =D

Whether to go cross-platform IMO depends on what kind of application you're making, what kind of libraries it would require to go cross-platform, and whether it even makes sense to go cross-platform, as well as several other factors.

Honestly, any generalizing statements ("All x are y!") are incorrect. (By the way, that was a generalizing statement about generalizing statements) So you can't really say "cross-platform programming is better" or "platform-specific programming is better", but only "cross-platform programming is better in some situations".
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