Calling functions in netapi32.dll

I want to write a little application that will manipulate local user accounts and groups. Can someone show me some examples, or give me a head start please? I am using the msdn windows api reference, and am relatively new to windows api and c++.

ps. The app is intended for windows xp pro.
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Have you tried Google or MSDN?
> I am using the msdn windows api reference

There are samples in MSDN (SDK mainly) for all the apis.
You just have to copy-paste MS code...
Thanks for the info. I did try, if you know a good source please paste the link.

closed account (S6k9GNh0)
Wut. Just look for it. We're not doing it for you since your the one who needs it. We help you because we want to, not because you ask.
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