OOP and classes


I want to make a simple "Number increaser app" with C++, i can choose how many numbers i want to increase in the app. i made a class for the increasing of the numbers, and i increase the numbers with random digits from 1 to 10.

i made a object array that stores the numbers but when i choose more than 1 number to increase the first number becomes a value between 1 and 10 but the second number becomes greater each time i press enter to increase again

example: the first number is 10 while the second is 20 or 15 when i press enter the first number is 13 while the second goes 34

what am i doing wrong?

here is the function in the class i call:

void Number::setNumber(int num)
this->num += num;


what i know this will add the random number to a new object element which is 0 by default, i might be wrong

I don't understand what you are trying to do, can you rephrase your question?

i made a class which increases numbers in an object array with a random number from 1 to 10.

the thing is the second number can become over 10 from the very start

i can choose how many numbers i want to increase but if i choose more than 2 numbers to increase the rest will have the start value 20 or greater,

everytime i increase an number in the object array i call

void Number::setNumber(int num)
this->num += num;

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Alright i solved this sorry :)
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