Learning the Win32 API

I recently got a book for it, but unfortunately it uses the MFC and basically just shows me how to use the automatically generated classes. I would rather learn the real API than something that Visual Studio made for me.

So, the question is, what do you guys suggest for learning this? I'd rather not try a book again, but if multiple people suggest the same one I'll probably try it out. Please don't suggest the MSDN.
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Why - what's wrong with MSDN?
(OK - it's not really there to teach you how to program, but as a source of info it is invaluable)
OK - it's not really there to teach you how to program

Exactly. It's a reference. The DirectX tutorials they gave were TERRIBLE.
It depends on how you learn.
I learn by messing up with examples so I can suggest some of the code examples of this website: http://www.cplusplus.com/src/
I suggest you the Win32 Example (II) , from there you can start learning about Win32 GUI

BTW, MFC is 'the real API' for C++, WinAPI is for C
I'm building a library off the WinAPI, and I'd rather not have to use something where the user needs to include a DLL all the time like with the SDL.

As for my method of learning, I'd rather not have to simply mess around with examples because I might get the wrong idea about a set of code, and then have to fix things later because of the mix-up. Something more like the C++ tutorials here is what I'd prefer.
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Geez! ngen!

There is an absolute GOLD STANDARD you know! Everybody that's anybody in the world or Win32 Api Windows Programming learned it first and best from Charles Petzold's Programming Windows books. He wrote the first and the best. I'm probably more of a PowerBASIC Win32 coder, and all his programs from his famous books were translated into PowerBASIC several times. Either his Windows 95 or Win 2000 (win 98) books can be bought used for a buck or two. They are still the standard and still relavant. Probably about a quad-zillion percent more of what you are looking for than any tutorials you'll find on the internet. I ought to know. I've written several of them.

PS watch out for his .NET books. That's not what you are looking for.
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I'll take a look at a few reviews. I'm hoping that nothing in here is suggested that would cause compatibility issues with Vista.

EDIT: I've read the reviews and have read a few pages off of the E-Book on Amazon, and it looks pretty well written. With the cheapest new book at $33, here's hoping that my parents will let me get it. (God, that sounded pathetic. -_-')
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I didn't think it would be that expensive ngen, but then maybe I was thinking of his Win 95 book which last time I checked could be gotten for little more than postage. If you do get his last book on the straight Win32 Api (came out around Win 2000 times), try to make sure you get the CD with it as it has all the programs on it and some of them get quite long. Would be more than a pain to type them out by hand (even though - truth be told it usually helps to do that). If you get the book without the cd I'm sure somehow you could get what you need.
MFC is an encapsulation of win api.

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