Grabbing how many players are on a game

im trying to make a program that checks on how many people are on a server , any clue?
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shouldn't you have a list of the players on the server? Then you can simply count them. Or increment how many players are there when someone connects and decrement when someone disconnects.
Yes but this program is for games that already exist , such as arma 2 , counter strike and many more
So it needs to be able to grab the information from the game and tell the program
Use a memory searched (eg. TSearch) to search for the different number of players. Steps :

> Join server
> Count players and search in TSearch
> When it varies keep search
> Find static address or 'get' function

then just create a pointer to the address and dereferences like :

int players_count = *(int*)SERVER_PLAYERS;
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