Implementation of FFTW into a wrapper DLL

IDE: Visual Studio 2013
OS: Windows 8.1

I was able to successfully implement FFTW (Fast Fourier Frequency Transform in the west) in a test file. However, to be able to use FFTW in my trading software I have to create a DLL wrapper function. Upon running my DLL wrapper file my trading software can't seem to find the libfftw3-3.dll from FFTW.

So I tried various things to get it to find the FFTW file, but I have not found a solution yet.

I saw on the FFTW website there is a set of files. I not too familiar with static libraries, but is that what that zip file is. Additionally, If that zip file is a static library how would I go about implementing it.

I've been surfing the internet all of today trying to figure this FFTW thing out, while banging my head against the table.
Your help would be much appreciated!

- Andrew

Here is the page of how to install FFTW on Windows:

Here is the file I was referring to:
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Could I please get some help?

I think the easiest way would be to get a static library of the FFTW's App because I think bringing a dynamic library (DLL) into another DLL is the problem.

Is "" file a static Library of FFTW?

The links to the file and the page are above.

- Andrew
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