Why are windows.h definitions not found or being set

First I'm very new to C++ and am going through a tutorial about windows programming.

The problem (well not really a problem as I've got around it) is in regards to some definitions not appearing to exist. I'm using Codeblocks 8:02 (which may make a difference)

The first problem I had was with IDC_STATIC, it turned out that this wasn't being defined, even though I found it in windows.h
I've progressed but have the same issue with IDC_PRESS and IDC_OTHER, other than that a search for these (in all includes), finds nothing.

My get-around is to add the following code, in my resource.rc file:-

#ifndef IDC_STATIC
#define IDC_STATIC (-1)
#ifndef IDC_PRESS
#define IDC_PRESS (9005)
#ifndef IDC_OTHER
#define IDC_OTHER (9006)

My primary question is, am I going about this in the right way? A secondary question I suppose is perhaps that I've got a cut-down version of windows.h and should I be looking for a fuller version?

I'm getting the values by searching via google, but I have visions of this ending up being a momentous task which I would guess that others may have encountered.

I have included windows.h, in case this is asked. I have included it twice in main.cpp and in resource.rc, I wouldn't have thought that this would be an issue though, but am I wrong to think this way?
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I can't speak to IDC_PRESS or IDC_OTHER because I don't recall ever using those, but I've always encountered the problem you decribe in terms of IDC_STATIC, and I've always solved it the same way you did. However, I usually define it in my header files that I then include with Windows.h in the *.rc file. This isn't unique to CodeBlocks, but will be encountered in every C++ development environment as far as I know.
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freddie1 thanks for that, needless to say I've got way past this. Sorry for not replying sooner.
Adding the following, before including windows.h appears to circumvent the issue.

#define _WIN32_IE (0x0500)

So it looks as though some definitions are dependant upon the version of windows that you want to compile for.
If you're using a resource file then whatever you used to generate it should have given you a custom header file (i.e. resources.h); include it in your .rc file & main.c/cpp.
Uhhm, I manually created the resource files based upon a tutorial. I gave up on looking for a resource editor/generator as it was very apparent that for my project, which requires dynamic creation/removal of controls, that I had to find another way of creating what I need. So the deficiency appears to lie with myself and perhaps that I'm trying to run before I can walk.

However I'm getting there and perhaps learning in a way that seems to suit me. :)

Thanks for the reply Kiana, it all goes in and sets the old grey matter to work.
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