how to run service before login

hello! i need my service to be runned before user login. how to do it?
tanks a lot, but i have some problems.
may be, in xp i need to do other actions?
I cann't find how to run it before user login in windows xp :(
hint, please
Make it auto start.
Ok, thanks, kbw!
And now the most important part)
I need to login from this service...
I have hook-function.
I need, when i pressed some combination of keys, to login.
F. E.
string login="...";
string password="...";
when i press ctrl+alt+L i want my program to try to login
using these parameters.

Need help, advise or link...
No, a service can run under the local system account.
Hm... So, there is no way to do this?...
I mean, i need to control logining
Haha, I guess you could use SetWindowText to set the text of the username & password boxes, then send a BN_CLICK message with SendMessage to the Login button. (or send a VK_RETURN keydown message to either textbox)
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Oh, i've got you! rather interesting!
but can you explain more a bit?
F.E. SetWindowText... For what window? I mean, name of it. And hwnd must be NULL or not?
And smth like that
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