How to ON/OFF UAC function in Vista?

"Begin->Control panel->User access->On/off User Access Control"

How could I On/Off UAC with c++?
Try searching on for it on MSDN, they have lots of help pages for the WinAPI.
I don't think it's possible. If a program could change the UAC at will, what would be the point of even having the UAC?
It is possible, so long your application runs under full administrative rights. This means that you must bug the user with an elevation prompt before you are able to write the change.

UAC control can only be disabled by means of Group Policy, to the best of my knowledge. Group Policy is a set of files that, when processed, cause a series of registry entries to be added to several places in the Registry.

The registry key in particular is: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\

However, there is no valid reason to do this. Microsoft provides a good load of compatibility counter measures for those ill-programmed applications that don't work with administrative rights.

The following is a quote from MS Technet (

Disabling UAC
Disabling the User Account Control: Run administrators in Admin Approval Mode setting turns UAC “off.” Files and folders are no longer virtualized to per-user locations for non-UAC compliant applications and all local administrators are automatically logged in with a full administrative access token. Disabling this setting essentially causes Windows Vista to revert to the Windows XP user model. While some non-UAC compliant applications may recommend turning UAC off, it is not necessary to do so since Windows Vista includes folder and registry virtualization for pre-Windows Vista or non-UAC compliant applications by default. Turning UAC off opens your computer to system-wide malware installs. If this setting is changed, a system restart will be required in order for this change to go into effect.
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