C++ Logger

Can anyone suggest a good C++ logger to use?

I'm currently looking at log4cpp which seems good. Development seems to have stopped a while ago on it. Just curious if they is anything more current or better out there?

If you mean a key-logger, then leave.
No, avalanche means logging to files. And I can't say I've look for anything like that, apologies.
From looking at log4cpp, it is just a thing to log input/output to files. I don't know, you could try a sourceforge search (unless that's what you did >_>).
Yes I did mean logger as in to log debug messages to file, or other output stream.
Using log4cpp now, seems to do the trick. Being from Java world and using log4j makes it easier to use since it is based off it.
Google have written an open-source C++ logging library: http://code.google.com/p/google-glog/
Actually I'm going to try log4cxx.
This is for a jni project and we are using log4j in Java. log4cxx is apache project and can use same configuration file as log4j so this is beneficial.

It's also a active project unlike log4cpp.
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