wxDev-C++ debugging does not work

please pardon my poor English.

hello, i'm a newcomer to cplusplus.com forum.

i'm using wxDev-C++ IDE but IDE debugging support doesn't work

when I click 'start debug' button, just debug popup window
(docked in the bottom of the main window of wxDev-C++)
is activated and that's it.

no text from gdb debugger is shown in Output edit box.
i tried to send commands directly to GDB
(wxDev-C++ IDE supports it by providing a edit box to receive commands from user to send it directly to GDB)
but it also doesn't work.

IDE detects that debugging is started
(when I click 'start debug' button)
but that's all. none of the IDE's debugging support works.

do anyone of you know the reason, or how to fix it?
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