Programming Questions

Hello my name is shaun. I would like to ask a couple of questions.
I am using python langauge which is an open source language i was wondering if anyone knows anything about python and if it is a good langauge.

And does anyone know of a good tutorial for python i am buliding a game in blender 3d and i need to learn python because it is the langauge that blender 3d uses.

I am also tring to get into Full Sail college in orlando for game design or programming. I want to get a head start on my learning so i can accelerate through the classes.

But i would appriciate any help you guys can give me.

Do you realise that this is a C++ forum?
learn from .
After that, I would definitely suggest C++, it's what I did :)
Since when did you need to know Python to use Blender?
well in order to make games you have to write scripts for artificial intelligence and split screens
multiplayer online stuff like that i am ok but not good enough to write an ai script for my game which is what i want to do.

also python is a c++ based language dude and yes i do realized that. I was asking if it was a good beginner language and if anyone new some good tutorials.

Someone said c++ is already on everyone computer. If so how do i access it?
If not how do i get it?
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Blender uses python as its internal scripting language. You need to know it to write game scripts with the game engine.

Python is an excellent beginner language. The Blender game engine is not. (It takes some getting used to.)
Be sure to visit the BlenderArtists forums for all your Blender+Python support:

» Python and Plugins
» Game Engine forums

Neither C++ nor Python are already on everyone's computer. You need to download and install them. If you have Blender, you get the bare minimum python support. You'll need to install the full python package to be able do big stuff (like make fancy games). Make sure you install the proper python version for your version of Blender. The current version of Blender (2.49b) requires either Python 2.5 or 2.6. All the information you need starts here

Hope this helps.
python is a more financiel language. i don't think it is a good idea to learn it. but if you are interested in finance then i shoud learn it. c++ is better
also python is a c++ based language

No. Python is very different from C++. They have some common grounds, but most languages do as well. Python is definitely not a "c++-based" language.

python is a more financiel language. i don't think it is a good idea to learn it. but if you are interested in finance then i shoud learn it.

Python is a general-purpose programming language. In fact, it's probably horrible at finance, seeing as it's weakest point is math.
I was saying i know i have already downloaded python 2.6.2 it is for blender 2.49b i have learned a little but i want to learn to make artificial intelligence i need to i have learned classes deffinitions most of the math but not all and some other things but i don't know how to apply them to what i need to do.I have also downloaded a pdf book called a bite of python it is long but very helpful.I guess i am asking for something to let me know how to apply the thing i have learned.

And where can i download a C++ idle or something?

i am sorry i thought it was a c++ based launguage excuse my ignorance.
I was being hardheaded.

what types of math do i need to know to program?

I don't really want to use blender it is a good modeler and animation software but as far as the game engine goes it is not so great. I want to get 3d max but it is like $3000
The only reason i want to learn python is for blender no other reason i hear though it is a good beta language or testing launguage.
And where can i download a C++ idle or something?

You mean, like Python's IDLE, but for C++? Well, for C++, there is nothing like that. There are IDEs for C++, but they are nothing like IDLE. If you are on Windows, your options include Microsoft Visual C++, Code::Blocks, Eclipse CDT, Netbeans C++ Pack, and others. I assume you're on Windows since you're in the Windows section.

i am sorry i thought it was a c++ based launguage excuse my ignorance.
I was being hardheaded.

No problem. I do think that you'll probably get better results on a Python forum, though.

what types of math do i need to know to program?

If you are just starting, not much really. Basic algebra would help, but you don't really need it. Although if you are going into game programming, then you will need to know a lot of math. A simple Asteroids game requires basic vector knowledge, for example.
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