GUI skins?

How do programs(such as iTunes for a really basic example) maintain such nice gui skins and etc. Everytime I make something it seems blocky. Am I just missing something simple?
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Tell us a little more and we may be able to help.

>Everytime I make something it seems blocky
What are you making that seems blocky? Images? GDI Drawing code?..
What do you mean by blocky? colour graduation is not smooth?..

> Am I just missing something simple?
You haven't told us what/how you are doing thing, so it is hard to say what you are missing.
@Grey Wolf , I think He wants to make non standard window

@kerzack, You should learn how to work with window regions in c++

I suggest that is very useful site for windows programming.

Grey Wolf, sorry I wasn't so descriptive. Really tired last night.

SteakRider, that's what I was looking for, thanks.
> I suggest that is very useful site for windows programming.

No, 90% of code is copied from MSDN.
The best place is Usenet (professional only, mainly kids on codeproject)
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