Window Procedure questions

Pages: 12
Ctrl + shift + E does nothing. It has nothing to do with my keyboard; I've tried Ctrl + shift + A (add a new item) and that works fine.
In Visual Studio there are several ways to add a resource. The easiest is to right-click on the Resources tab in Solution Explorer and then select Add New Item. Resource files are text files just like .cpp and .h files. However, once you have created a resource file, you can also access it via GUI in VS.

In the long run, however, if you are going to program Windows in C/C++, you will have to actually learn C/C++, as well as buy some books, specifically Charles Petzold's book, "Programming Windows, Fifth Edition".

The online tutorials won't even REMOTELY teach you what you need to know. They will only whet your appetite, but they will not make you a good programmer. In some cases, they will steer you 180 degrees wrong.
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I've made a screenshot of what I see on my screen. I don't see "Resource View" somewhere on the screen. I've tried to right click -> add new item on that resource folder in the solution explorer, but I only get a window to add new .cpp and .h files etc., not what I'm looking for.

Actually, I didn't learn only from online tutorials. I've used both books and online tutorials. Here is an overview of things I've learnt:
- Basic things like I/O, variables, if/else, switches, loops, arrays
- Pointers (still making exercises on this, as I still have trouble with it often)
- Basic OOP
- More advanced OOP (overloading, inheritance, polymorphism)
- Very basic of templates
- Basic of file I/O
- Data structures (lists, stacks, queus, deques, maps)
- Some other basic things from the STL (some common used algoritms, functors)

Is there anything more I should learn/practice before really concentrating on this? I'm not saying I'm good in all these things, but I think I understand most of what I've learnt so far and made exercises to practice on most things.

I know Perzold's book; it seems to be recommended everywhere lol.

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If you're using VC++ Express, you don't have the capability to create RC files. You must have one of the registered, i.e., paid, versions.
Ow :(

Is there any free compiler which has this support?
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With VC++ Express IDE you can create .rc files but you can edit them so you can create an empty rc file ( eg with notepad ) and then add it to your project. To modify that file with VC++ right click on it ( in the IDE ) and select 'show source' - or whatever it says -
You can also get Code::Blocks IDE which has (IMO) a better rc editor than VC++ express
You can get a free resource compiler here --

I don't get it. When I got a .rc file, how can I add it to my project? Can this be done with VC++ Express or what do I need for it?

I've tried resedit, and I can create a resource with it. But once it's created, how to add these files to a project?

I've tried editing .rc files with VC++ Express, but it's not possible (it say's it's not supported in the Express edition)

I've tried Code::Blocks, but can't find a rc editor in there. Also, when I run my win32 apllication, there also opens a command window :S
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Right-click on the Resources Tab in Solution Explorer and select Add Existing. Make sure the RC files in the folder with your .cpp and .h files.
I managed to get it to work!

Thank you very much for the help =)

I've been using the soft at that resolves the long filename & path issue and deletes locked files.
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Pages: 12