Pixel in a Windows Console?

I want to know how can I display pixels in screen with MS-DOS , so I can draw any figure without using the Win32 API.

Can you help me with this?
Thank You!
It's different for each graphics mode. And you won't be able to do it on modern graphics cards in a general way.
You can do it with the VESA standard, which, while old, is still valid.

I recommend you get the book Programmer's Guide to the EGA, VGA, and Super VGA Cards by Richard Ferraro.

Hope this helps.
VESA was published in '94, a lot of Microsoft development effort was moving off DOS onto Windows by then, WFW was in vogue and W95 was a year later, and Daytona (Windows NT) was out and being used on one huge commercial project (I know because I was there).

So VESA was never part of mainstream DOS development, but if it works, go for it.
VESA has nothing to do with DOS. It has to do with standards and interoperability.
See http://www.vesa.org/About/index.htm

As for SVGA cards, if it is VESA-compliant (and all modern cards are), then you can, knowing nothing else about it, program it using high-resolution (pixel and color) modes. It was founded in the late 1980s because SVGA cards were so different that programmers had to pick and choose which cards to support -- the standard provided a way to overcome this obstacle and guarantee at least an 800 by 600 pixel, truecolor display mode that you could access on any SVGA using the same code.
MS-DOS doesn't exist any more (Console subsystem has nothing to do with DOS)
To draw figures, you must use Win32 api (GDI or other)
I was talking about MS-DOS. If you mean a console window, then george135 is absolutely correct.
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