MFC exporting data to CSV files.

Hi guys,

I was just wondering what would the code be like if I was to export the data(which are included in the instance named m_xc_list, under the class CListCtrl)to CSV file, using MFC. The steps would be as follows:

1. Run the program.
2. The dialog will appear, and if the user clicks the 'export' button, another saving-dialog would appear on top of it. The user will enter csv file name with any extentions.
3. The data(m_xc_list) will be sent to csv file at this step.
4. Bang, done.

I would eventually like to export the data to Microsoft Excel. But before that I wanted to make sure if I could export it with csv file. I went through heaps of websites that are about MFCs and VC++, except I didn't get any luck. Any helps will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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