windows xp dialogs

I'm having problems creating dialogs from resource files.They dont behave correctly on XP systems. Vista and w7 works fine. nothing I try seems to work

I'm hoping someone will try to copile one and say it works for them, because its a pain in the ass to hardcode them.

Again, only on XP.

I've tried MSVS forums, no responses.

please to clearity your Que. which MS VS are use
Might be its Probelm for combination of VS and O/s System

VS 2008 + Vista
VS2003,2005 + xp

VS2003,2005 are not 100% compitable in Vista
not sure but its my personal Exp.
Thanks for the reply, however it shouldnt be a problem for combination of vs and os... There is nothing more to clarify, I've created several projects on several compilers (msvs 08> and dev c++) all with the same results.

I might try msvs05 but I dont think that will do anything.
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