C++ & NET

I have VS 2008 and I am a C/C++ programmer. I do not know C#, and I don't care to learn it at this time, maybe later.

So then, if I want to create a .NET app, Windows, what should I choose as my project type in VS 2008?

BTW, no MFC or WP. Just strait C/C++/Win32 API. Does that mean I'm pretty much stuck with Windows Forms Apps?

Or can I do it another way using the above parameters?
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Windows Forms is another MFC. An easy one, though. :D If you want to use VS 2008 and go .Net with C++, start creating a Windows Forms Application.

If you still want to go the traditional way, select Win32 Project.
When you are using .Net, you are not using standard C++ but C++/CLI. I suggest you using WinAPI, MFC or other libraries
So I guess if I want to stay as close to C/C++/Win32 API and still do .NET then Windows Forms is probably my best bet? Is that the case?
IMHO if you want to use .NET it's better (i will risk even "adviced") to use C#, rather than C++/CLI.
C++/CLI is kinda mix of managed/unmanaged C++ (and that's the main advantage in many opinion), created with an eye to C++ developers, so they could easily switch to a different platform.

Last time I heard a funny quote:
"C++/CLI was created in order to avoid learning C# by C++ developers - lack of asterisks, automatic memory management and easy syntax could cause them a heart attack"

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You've sold me. If I REALLY want to produce a .NET app, I'll go out and buy a book on C#.
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