How to open IE explorer?

If there have been set a homepage, it could open with the homepage.

If there haven't been set a homepage, it could open with a blank page.

Would you please provide me any suggestion?
Usually something like %programfiles%\internet explorer\iexplore.exe
Use ShellExecute() or CreateProcess(). You can take chrisname's word for the full path and filename.
If you really want to, you could use .NET with VC++ to create a "WebBrowser" control. In fact, I created a functioning web browser in five minutes... You have to press the "load page" button to load the new page though because I can't be asked to actually develop it properly... It was just fun to experiment with the stupid .NET drag and drop stuff.
lol chris, that actually sounds pretty cool. it's just a little web browser coded in .NET? probably has about 5 billion security holes, otherwise internet explorer and mozilla and all the main-stream internet browsers are a joke. :P
> If you really want to, you could use .NET with VC++ to create a "WebBrowser"

You don't need .NET for that or anything else.
It's ~10 lines of code in pure C or C++/Win32 to embed a WB control...

The normal way is with ShellExecute() , but never hardcode IE path (!) and let the registry do the work.
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I don't see the problem in using "%ProgramFiles%\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe". The environment variable will account for both a different installation drive and a different program files folder.
If you trust me enough, I'll link you to it, because I can't find the source code.
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lol, missing source?!?!? does not compute! nah, ill download it, it works on linux im guessing, considering you're a fellow gnu fanboy.
{EDIT} wait, right. this was .NET, maybe wine can run it though. ive used wine to run some C++ stuff, worked fine.
{2nd EDIT} oic, i ran it on my desktop. i was too lazy to mediafire again so i just passed it through my NAS, but anyway, that was pretty cool. you just need to make the buttons look nicer and let you resize the window :P and perhaps set a home page. Hey, then you could call it google chrome... which i like but i hate that it don't play nice with ctfmon and thus i can't use it :\ how about... the Googe Chris web browser? lol
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I don't have the source because I dragged and dropped to create it, and did a little editing to get it to accept input. Then I maked it and deleted the sauce.

I'm a GNU fanboy, yes, but I do use windows SOMETIMES. I'm not at the moment though. I made this when I wanted to see what the fuss was about visual studio. I'm unimpressed, in fact, I think it's horrible.
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Haha. Honestly, I'm fine with just using gedit and a command line compiler (G++) works fine for me. I'm too lazy to startup an IDE, they take forever.
Lol, I use codeblocks. I like it, but gEdit and GCC is fine too.

By the way, I'm also quite partial to jEdit.
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gedit came pre-installed with ubuntu though, so i just started using it when i started c++
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