Special MessageBox()

I am looking to create a message box like a regular windows error box. The user cannot be able click anywhere outside of the box or minimize the box, until 'Ok' or 'Cancel' is clicked. Is this possible? I have searched through MSDN and Google but have not found anything. Help would be much appreciated!

PS. I think I need to use something like this:
MessageBox(hWnd, "Anything", "Anything", MB_OK | MB_SYSTEMMODAL)
But MB_SYSTEMMODAL only disables output to the one handle(hWnd), is there a global handle that I can use that will disable input to the entire system?
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Added PreTranslateMessage handling messgae and forword the messge to another things or simplely retrun the comtrol to window .

Try using MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes)
I think the OS already provides such a message box. I remember that classic VB6 can make a message box system-wide modal. I don't know how it did it, but I'm willing to bet it was OS-provided.
@brainwork, I cannot quite understand what your are trying to say. Please be more specific.

@charlie, I looked up the MessageBox function in MFC, it uses the same modals. Im not to familiar with MFC but this is what I found. Please tell if im not looking in the right place :P.

@webJose, that may have been the case a few years ago, at least acording to this:
But I don't think it can be done through OS anymore.

Thank you so much for your suggestions!
I have yet to find a solution :(.
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