colour of text not hole item of tree control.

Hello Friend
how can i change the colour of text which is present on the tree control


m_treeItem->setTextColor(RGB ( 155, 255 ,255 );
m_treeItem->setBkColor(RGB ( 155, 255 ,255 );

we need like item show like this Charechter "brainwork"

we need "brain" and "work" in Differant colour.

note :- colour of text not hole item of tree control.


I am not sure if I understood your question correctly, but I think what you want is to create your own owner-draw treeview control.
ok i will expain onces again.

"brain work" is the item of tree control

i need color in the charector , i am able to change the colour of item but we are not able to change the Item charector text colour like
: "brain " is red and
"work" is blue.

i think you understand my problem

So one item, two colors. I understand, yes. You can still pull it off using a owner-drawn treeview. The example from Microsoft does one color per item, but is really just an example. Base yourself on it and create one that does multiple colors per item.
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