My problem is that I am going to display a large number of lines of text on the window, way more than will show on a app with a reasonable height. I need to have the window stay the same size but be able to scroll down past its end and display text below as text above scrolls off the top. I need my app window to act like the content window on this forum when you are posting a message to the forum.
Thank you again for replying. I am a good Java programmer but am feeling my way into C++.
I had tried to put scrollbars on a rich edit before I tried them on the main app window because I was pretty sure it wouldn't do what I wanted (and I was right) but I couldn't get the scrollbars to show on the rich edit.
I did some more digging, figured out what I was missing, and now my rich edit has scroll bars! So I'm perfectly happy with a rich edit but I need to be able to catch when the user types the '\n" at the end of a line so I can get his one-line input and process it.