What Should I Learn?

Should I learn C# or C?
Another Question what is the difference between C# and C?
Go for C++
C is an older but good programming language,
C++ is the best language which provides everything you want,
C# is just useless

C# is just useless

i have mixed feelings about it, of course C++ is more compatible, you can write anything using c++, you can't do that (or you can, but its just not efficient) with c#


for example, in Poland many companies are looking for c# programmers, rather than c++. Maybe that's because .NET and other Microsoft products are becoming more popular. Of course demand for c++ is still high, however, as I said before, c#'ers are more wanted.

Concluding, start with C/C++. You may never have the opportunity to understand such things as pointers etc , when starting from C# (and many more)

If you're looking for a career, learn whatever is more marketable.

If more jobs are looking for C# developers, then learn C#... even if it is "useless".
I don't like microsoft product.. There is .NET everywhere ahh.we ask question,why is c# popular between software company and university ?
Some people believe that programming with C# is easier and faster but they are wrong and they may had never programmed in C++.
C++ is a more 'complex' language because it has many programming paradigms but this is not a bad thing as it give C++ more flexibility and efficiency. Whatever could be made in C# can be made in C++ much faster and you would have a better result, those who say the opposite just don't know C++
I agree to it.
> If you're looking for a career, learn whatever is more marketable.
> If more jobs are looking for C# developers, then learn C#... even if it is "useless".

You don't choose the language, it's the market which chooses it.
In Europe, if you don't know C#, you're dead...
(but programming is dying also (very bad paid..))
Just learn Python, then C, then C++.

C# is useless. I started learning it but decided it wasn't worth it.

If I wanted a collected, compiled language, I'd use java.

If I wanted networking I'd use Python.

For platform independence, performance and general awesomeness, I'll use C++.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Everyone knows the usefulness of the useful, but no one knows the usefulness of the useless.

You only find C# useless because you have not found a use for it, but that dose not mean to say that no-one has found a use for it.

...I would also put learning C++ ahead of C

[Edit: typos]
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I wouldn't say C# is completely useless. A great number of business applications are developed in C# and it is increasing in popularity while C++ is decreasing in popularity (in some cases). C# is actually a little easier to learn due to the elimination of pointers... well not really elimination there is some support for pointers in C# to some extent. I personally prefer c++. To answer the OPs question:

Should I learn C# or C?
Another Question what is the difference between C# and C?

C# and C are not the same languages. C is an older language that will EVENTUALLY be phased out in favor of C++. So you would want to focus your effort on C++ unless you plan to work with C legacy code. In either case it's not a bad idea to understand both C and C++. As far as C#, both C++ and C# are object oriented languages and C# is based on C++ (and Java). Once you've learned one, you'll have no problem learning the other. I learned C++ first, but I hear its difficult for people to move from C# to C++.
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