MySQL and C++ : MySQL error code : 2005, SQLState: HY000


I'm currently doing the program in C++ - Visual Studio 2005 and use MySQL as a database.

I managed to compile my code successfully. But when I want to run my program, i got the error:

# ERR: SQLException in e:\vtpm project\28072009 development\transactionlog\trans
actionlog\transactionlog.cpp(log) on line 73
# ERR: Unknown MySQL server host '╠╠╠╠tcp://' (11004) (MySQL error code
: 2005, SQLState: HY000 )

I was understand that the MySQL error code : 2005 is regarding the host name, but inside my code I already used:

con = driver->connect("tcp://", "root", "qwerqwer");

Kindly hope anyone can give me suggestion how to fix it.

Thank You.
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