I ran into a strange problem I cannot explain, although I am an experienced C++ programmer. The following code does not work properly when compiled with VC++ 64-bit:
double dbl = 4294965732.000000;
int n = (int)dbl;
The n variable should contain -1564, and it does when this is compiled with a 32-bit compiler. But the 64-bit compiler produces 2147483648 (0x80000000).
I fudged the problem by adding the code
#ifdef _WIN64
__int64 temp = dbl;
n = temp;
but would prefer not to resort to kludges like that.
That results in undefined behaviour; it isn't defined by the language standards. That value could be theoretically anything within the range of int variables.
On ARM, when you convert a NaN (Not-a-Number) floating point value to an integer type, the result is 0x00000000. On x86 and x64, the result is 0x80000000.