I can't figure out how to get the string of a folder location into pidlRoot of a BROWSEINFO structure for SHBrowseForFolder(). I think I have to call another function first, but I don't know how to convert that into a PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE. A short example would be appreciated.
I figured this out, but now I have to convert from char to TCHAR or wchar. What function do I need for these conversions?
Well, I got that figured out also with MultiByteToChar().

The final problem I have is that when I use SHBrowseForFolder() and specify a root dir in the pidlRoot element, it confines me to that folder or lower. It doesn't allow me to back up and go higher.

Does anyone know a way around this?
Well, after a day of searching, I finally got it figured out.
> Well, after a day of searching

It takes 0.35 seconds to find it on Google Groups...
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What did you search on? And you found the instruction/code that shows how to display a Browse For Folder dialog and have it go directly to a specified folder and still allow you to access a higher level?

I'd like to see that google link that tells me all that.
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