Send simple data to ATA port

Apr 3, 2014 at 6:34pm
Hey guys. I hit a wall over here. I found a couple of projects that send complex commands to ATA ports, however I only need to send a series of bits.
Basically what I need to do is enable or disable a pin, manually. I don't need complex commands that request and interpret data, I just want to set one of the data pins to enabled.
I thought that, with all the complex programs there are there, there would be at least a simple one; but I found nothing.
Any tips are greatly appreciated!
Best regards,
Apr 3, 2014 at 9:15pm
i think you can do this with boost::asio. if there is a windows implementation of termios.h i think you can use that
Apr 4, 2014 at 7:29am
Unfortunately, boost::asio only offers COM connection and there is no termio.h for windows...Thank you for your time!
Apr 4, 2014 at 7:39am
I'm not sure exactly what it is you need (I have never used ATA before), but a quick look through MSDN brought this up: - see if it (or its references) are what you are looking for.

Otherwise, see how those projects that send complex commands to ATA work - you may be able to implement something similar.
Apr 4, 2014 at 1:55pm
The problem with this is that I can only send predetermined messages. What I am looking for is something, if possible, as the portout PortAsHex, integer that was available in Basic. (Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work, I tried Basic and came out empty handed)
Thank you again for your time!
Also, a bit offtopic, but if someone has any idea about how I should be able to do it more or less in assembly (I know a bit of assembly, I'mma look up some references right now, but I'm quite afraid of damaging and/or corrupting the memory sectors)
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