OpenGL lib

I need a download of OpenGL.lib, glu.lib, and glut.lib. I downloaded the glut37 file from the OpenGL site and it didn't have them. I googled for 3 hours and got led in circles that have just irritated me. They aren't in the Dev-Cpp lib folder or the Microsoft Visual C++ lib folder. Where do I get them?
The GL.h and GLU.h files are typically found here C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Include\gl


C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Lib
- OpenGL32
- GLU32

The libraries come with VC++, but they are probably not OpenGL 3.0 or 3.1. The GLUT utility library would reside where ever you stuck it. I feel you're pain... when I first started with OpenGL, I spent days trying to find where the hell the damn files were!
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[not really related]
That's why I prefer programming on a Linux, installing and locating library files is much easier
[/not really related]
[not sure if it is really related now]
LOL. Depends on your distribution...
[/not sure if it is really related now]
I use Linux on my main computer, but the program in question is written using the Win32 API and (hopefully) OpenGL.

I did a search on my whole computer and didn't find them but I'll look in the directory you mentioned.

Edit: Found opengl and glu32, but what about glut32? Not included?
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GLUT is the OpenGL Utility kit and is not prepackaged with VC++. You need to download it.
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