bitmap resource problem in DLL

hello, I have a main application and two DLL's, one that contains a set of functions to display bitmaps, and one that creates a thread that runs a splash screen. The DLL that runs the splash screen uses the other DLL to display the bitmaps a certain way. When I include the bitmaps in the resource of the splash DLL they won't load at all, but when I include the same bitmap in the resource script of the main executable, it works perfectly! I have no problem with just leaving it in the main exe for now so it works, but are there any reasons that it may be exhibiting this behavior?
How are you loading them?
they are loaded with LoadBitmap() using a resource ID (just an int identifier #define'd in a header)
You have to specify the DLL's HINSTANCE handle with LoadBitmap() -- since you are trying to load the bitmaps from that resource, not from your executable.

[edit] Oh yeah, You can use GetModuleHandle() to get the DLL's handle...

Have fun!
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