
i want to use graphics.h in windows platform.
how can i?
thanx in advance
C++ doesn't have any standard graphic libraries. You can though use SFML, SDl , OpenGl , Directx , ect...I would suggest SFML though it has good documentations and is fairly simple(if you know basics of c++).

Also AFAIK graphics.h was a really old library from borland and is a c library I could be wrong though.
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i use borland turbo c++ 5.02 and whenever i try to use graphics.h, it says that it is not supported on windows platform and moreover mine version of turbo c++ is not compatible w/ dosbox.
i think i read on an article some where that graphics.h hearder has not been in use for yrs now.. mayb you can research it yourself..
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
i think it was used back with dos.h but i could be wrong. i would use one of the libs glib mentioned and in addition there is alos qt, allegro, and the win32 api (which only use if you dont want to go cross platform)
i want to use graphics.h in windows platform.

You'd be much better off learning a newer graphics library, as giblit and DTSCode have prev suggested.

But if you're forced to use BGI (Borland Graphics Interface) then there are ports available, e.g.


For others (inc one for X11...) see links at the end of this entry:

Borland Graphics Interface


BGI graphics not supported in windows..
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There is also WinBGIm for MinGW

You might want to play with Allegro -- which is most like the old Borland graphics in terms of what you can do
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