I was wondering about free Windows C++ IDEs. I don't need anything overly fancy. I just want a textarea to type my code in, and a compile button.

It'd be nice to have something that'll help me catch errors easily, but if it can't no biggy.

I'm not doing huge projects either. I'm mainly making a source file, some header files with it maybe, then compiling.

I only use C++ and wxWidgets, so support for those are all I'd require. If need be I can try to attach a wxWidgets toolkit to whatever is available, but I'm not too savvy in that sense.

Anyone got anything for me?

Edit: Btw I use Geany on Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope and that does just fine for me, so something like that would be nice =D.
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If you can't pick up MS Visual Studio (which I think there are free versions of, now), there's always Code::Blocks.

I tend to use C::B on my linux machine, and MSVS on my Windows one.
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