Learning Windows Programming

Hello !

I want to learn windows programming. Please tell me where to start from and tell me about good books and good tutorials on the internet.
I would also like to know that what if I use Visual C++ for windows applications. Will it cover my lack of knowledge of windows programming ?
And can VC++ be used for creating any windows application ?

Please friends I need your help.

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charles petzold, Microsoft Press
Thanks !
closed account (z05DSL3A)
If you search this forum for Petzold, you will find a few threads about Windows Development.
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
Windows is for greedy bastards!

*takes shirt off and runs around school*
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Scratches head, shrugs, and moves on...
If you want to get into Windows, don't be discouraged by when you first see one. First time I tried a GUI program I looked at all the "UINT" and "HWND" etc. and just gave up. But a few weeks later I came on here and asked for some help creating a drawing program... and now I understand basic Win32. Like, I know what a HWND is, etc. so yeah, once you get the hang of it, it is very easy.

If you're looking to create a first GUI program try something simple. Use Microsoft Developer Network (msdn.microsoft.com) - it is a brilliant resource with loads of Win32 API functions.
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
Windows programming doesn't neccessarily have to be GUI based chris.

I think I say this for everyone that no one likes the retarded data type name covering. For instance, they actually put a define in the windows.h that says this: #define CONST const . What's the point in this? There is none from what I can see but wait, it gets more semi-retarded: HHOOK: Handle to a Win32 based hook. This is nothing but a HANDLE. Which is nothing but a PVOID. Which is nothing but void *. It get's quite annoying since you sometime need to learn these types simply to understand the function your calling or if you are creating a wrapper for the classes and don't want to use typedefs from Microsoft.

This is the main reason I hate the Win32API. :P
Though I must say that they're documentation is fantastic... I wish linux had something like that :/.
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That is why I like Win32. I agree, the API looks... weird. Like UINT for unsigned int.
Thank you guys !!
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