First winAPI project

So, I'm a fairly advanced programmer. I've mastered Console apps, and I've learned a bit about the windows API. But I learn better by doing, more than I would just reading tutorials and the like. As I am not currently enrolled in college, I humbly request of you, forum goers, to give me a simple assignment for my first winAPI project.

Before I get any "winAPI isnt simple, simple as that" I know this. But I request a relatively simple project.

For better understanding of what I'm capable of let me list my credentials, so to speak.

I'm nearly fluent in c++, IE i understand all of its conventions save for a select few. (stl containers, and namespaces) and those I dont know, I havent had time to learn yet.

I understand the message loop.

I Understand registering the window class

I understand how to create the window

And I understand The window procedure.


Now all that being said. Does any one have a simple project for me? Please and thank you in advance
Start simple. Make a program with a menu with choices to either exit or to open a dialog box. Design the dialog box to accept an input string. It should also have a set of radio buttons with a selection of color names. When it's closed with the OK button (not the cancel button), display the string with that color centered in the window.

Or is that too simple?

(And learn STL containers. My god, man, they're at the heart of modern C++!)
No thats fine Thank you very much.

as for the stl containers....heh...i just havent gotten arround to it yet :P I'll get on it this weekend.

Also, I look forward to seeing some of your code...maybe I can find some law or order from it :P

i assume that was the pun your name came from XD
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