Searching for a Text Editor Active X

We would like to insert an ActiveX control in the dialogs of our application that should work as a text editor. The text editor should allow us to:

- Write dynamically (from our code) any text.
- Insert dynamically (from our code) any image.
- Let the user of our program modify the text on the control.
- Let the user of our program save the contents of the editor into a pdf, doc, rtf files.
- Let the user of our program print the contents of the editor.

We can either download a free component or buy it. Where can we find this ActiveX?

Thanks for any suggestions.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
TX Text Control may do what you are looking for.
Just embed Winword

- Thanks Grey Wolf, I'll have a look at your link.

- George135, embeding Winword seems a good idea, but:

a) Will I be able to insert in the Winword view any text and images dinamically, that is, directly from my code?

b) How can I embed Winword in one of my dialogs? Do you know any document, link or book where the procedure is explained?
One Winword is embedded in your dialog/form, you have total control on it and you can do everything that Winword can do .
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