How to make more than one ActiveX-Control Visible


I´ve written an ActiveX-COntrol with Visual C++ 6 using the ATL. This ActiveX-Control is working, if I put it on a Visual Basic Form for Example. My Problem is now, that if I put a second ActiveX-Control of this kind on the same Visual Basic Form, there is only the Frame shown, but not the Control. What am I doing wrong? I need more than one Control on the Form, since it should work as a Full/Empty-Control. Thanks in Advance.


is the second control hiding the first one.. i mean to say is the size of the control correct??
otherwise you can try setting the size and visibility of the control at run time rather then at design time..

these are just my thoughts..dont mind if i am going somewhere else. I want to help you but its been some years i did atl and com.. :(
Hello writetonsharma!

Thanks for your reply. No the second one is not hiding the first one. I can see both of them in the Form next to each other. The Problem is, that the first one is visible in its Frame and the second one in another Position next to the first one is not. Even if I expand the frame of the second one to all sides i can not see it, so i think there must be a reason why the second one is not visible. Do I have to set the visibility of the controls at design time if I want more than one control in a Form? How is that done? I am just beginning to use the ATL, so I am not sure how to set this.

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