Windows: PDF to Text converter

Hello Guys

I have to extract information from multiple pdf files. For that I need to somehow first convert these pdf files to text files(using command line). Can somebody suggest me a tool to do such conversion?

Important thing is the software should be FREEWARE and should support command-line execution.Also it should not ask me to install stuff like Dotnet framework. I searched a lot but never could find one which satisfies above criterion.

Please help, as I am long time due with this work!

Is this related to programming?
anyway, try google:
Ofcourse, I need to write a batch file to convert all the pdf files to text files. And then I start reading from the text files to obtain the desired information.

After I create the batch file, I will run the batch-file using VB Excel-macro. (I did not want to give all these details as it isnt needed. I just need a pdf-txt converter!)

Google is the first place I look for, posting here is my last resort. So, any suggestions?
i think there is acrobat sdk..
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Thank you eker676. Thats exactly the kind I was looking for! :)
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