Good day. I am facing a problem. I am using Visual Studio C++ and wish to create a Window Form Application. The purpose to create this program is to show the encrypted text from a textbox in a small window.
Below is my code:
String ^ Data1;
String ^ Data2;
int key = 'x';
Data = richTextBox1 -> Text;
int iLen = richTextBox1 -> Text -> Length; //define the string length
for (int i=0 ; i < iLen ; i++)
Data1 += Data[i] ^ (int(key) * i + int(key) / (i+1)) % 255; //Encryption formula
MessageBox :: Show(Data1); //Show the encrypted text in window
For above, if Data din't pass the Encryption Formula, i will show the exactly TEXT in the textbox. But Data undergo the encryption formula, The DATA1 show the TEXT in decimal value.
As example:
"1" = 49
When i type "1", undergo the formula, so it must come out "I" in character form. But from my code above, it show decimal 73(decimal of char "I").
How can i make it to show "I" rather than showing 73?
Thanks in advance. Sorry for my bad English and Explanation.