by klatu375
Compiler error with array/string initialization
[4 replies] Last: Thank you for the extra information. I'm still new to the subject, bu... (by klatu375)
by daba
Ghost for wc3 coded in C++
[2 replies] Last: good (by shinn1)
by cmygeHm
Com port select system call
[no replies]
by Arthur Lucas
Download pages with wget
[2 replies] Last: Sorry for no do question about C++. But I don't found it in google. Th... (by Arthur Lucas)
by rnbguy
c++ code using libnet not compiling
[1 reply] : you guys use c++ instead of gcc! (by chinalinux)
by fernandizo
Building Operating System using c++
[2 replies] Last: Hi I want to make a radio streamer, which basically do the following t... (by MICK)
by kfoynt
Problem linking a library
[3 replies] Last: The fftw library was conflicting with the -lmx, -leng, -lmat, -lmex li... (by kfoynt)
by pzratnog
VIRT, RES question
[1 reply] : That's the standard behavior. When you use delete, memory pages that b... (by Athar)
by ncitom
new g++ memory fault - help
[5 replies] Last: You could be right, ... dunno. sprintf shouldn't be used in this day ... (by kbw)
by gianc
Thread and scanf: strange problem
[4 replies] Last: The problem was in the speech library....... thanks to all (by gianc)
by sysf
RS232 and termios Problem
[no replies]
by Jacob Ensien
Segmentation Fault or compilation error?
[6 replies] Last: that virtual and multi-threading can not work together. Not true at ... (by kbw)
by JoshJ
Why does this short program causes "memory exhausted"?
[2 replies] Last: I can't help you much but in my implementation it does not cause any "... (by eypros)
by neyshule
How to calculate how many times a function runs???
[1 reply] : Hello, why don't you create a static local variable which could count... (by eypros)
by zacharoni16
Sharing a serial port among multiple processes
[no replies]
by Holland
Vectors, oh my!
[1 reply] : This: new std::vector<unsigned int>(); allocates heap memory for you... (by anonymous23323124)
by php
problem with code
[10 replies] Last: ok nice idea (by php)
by ZED0815
Makefile issue
[1 reply] : OK... SHELL := #!/bin/bash did the job! (by ZED0815)
by neyshule
what does this Task * mean???
[5 replies] Last: Ask the one who wrote that code or check the documentation (if there i... (by Athar)