UNIX/Linux Programming - September 2010 (Page 2)

by GnG
g++ x32 on x64
Hi, I'm using ubuntu x64 and I have to compile my code to x32, but when I type: g++ -m32 -o out32 Hello.cpp show me the follow error: /usr/include/gn...
[3 replies] Last: Ok, I've installed this pkg and works fine, thanks. (by GnG)
by JRevor
waitpid() ... not working?
I'm working on a Linux application that creates several subprograms using the system call fork() . The idea is that the father program sends the children progr...
[6 replies] Last: Have you run the parent through a debugger, like strace? No, that d... (by JRevor)
by Uni616
invalid conversion from `void*' to `__pthread_t**'
Hello,I'm trying to write a program that calculates up to a 1024 x 1024 matrix using multi-threading. For example, I need to run a 1024 x 1024 using 256, 64, 16...
[2 replies] Last: This seems like a perfect use case for OpenMP or a multi-threaded STL ... (by PanGalactic)
Where can I find special facilities
I have not programmed for years, so it is a bit like starting from scratch. I need to write a program to manage pdf images of documents for a 'paper-less' offic...
[1 reply] : You might want to look at boost: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/ (by Galik)
by ttblue
beginners c question. copy files with flush data .
Im writing a gtk program. I have written a routine to copy a file. When using this to copy a file to a flash disk the data is not copied immediately. When th...
[3 replies] Last: KBW, yes I believe closing the file should trigger the OS to flush its... (by kooth)
free memory thread + std::list
I have a program that reads a queue ( FIFO ), save ( .push_back ) in a list in memory ( std:: list ) and a thread that read this queue( .front ) after clean ( ....
[1 reply] : If you are storing pointers in the list, then no, std::list does not d... (by jsmith)
kdev 4 build error: undefined ref to...
Hi all, my problem is that when I compile my project KDevelop4 gives me the following error: /home/yours3lf/projects/proba2/build> make [ 50%] Built t...
[2 replies] Last: ok, but then what do i have to change in the cmakelists.txt, because i... (by Yours3lf)
tablespace clause
What happens if a tablespace clause is left off of a primary key constraint clause?
[2 replies] Last: I agree with kbw - this is not the place for that question. Howeve... (by Philip Lee Bridson)
SDL Play sound file - SDL/SDL_mixer.h [not found]
this is the code #include "stdlib.h" #include "SDL/SDL_mixer.h> int main(int argc, char *argv ) { SDL_Surface *screen; Mix_Chunk *sound...
[1 reply] : At first, I guess it should be "SDL/SDL_mixer.h" instead of "SDL/SDL_m... (by JoR)
Running interactive Programs within C++ ?
Hi, I have to write an frontend for several interactive Commandlineprograms and Shellsripts. I search for away to realize it like that: 1. Run Program/Sc...
[3 replies] Last: Also, see http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/unices/28134/#msg152964 (by kooth)
how do I get system() output
well hi, i'm trying to get the output from X command, "ps -e" in this case. I read something about using pipe(), fork() and others but i couldn't get it to wo...
[8 replies] Last: Have you tried using popen(3C)? Here is a working example (on Solaris... (by kooth)
Gcc 4.x inheritance + template problem
I have maybe 15 years experience running g++ 3.xx and those before. When g++ was updated to 4.xx I had a great many problems, most of all because the linux ...
[9 replies] Last: Since the syntax for accessing elements of a T is different from that ... (by jsmith)
by mickwa
g++ shared object
$ls libobject.so libobject.so.1 libobject.so.1.0 main.cpp main.o Makefile object.cpp object.h object.o where: libobject.so.1.0 - shared object l...
[4 replies] Last: There are a few different ways to specify the library path for runtime... (by moorecm)
by Sink0
Call Driver Function
Hi, i am new to Linux C Programing (Just used to Windows). I am developing a PCI Card and the driver for Linux but i got a problem. I got no idea how to call a ...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you, but i mean, how would i call it as i cal write with fwrite.... (by Sink0)
connect() on socket does not return
Hi I jsut wrote a simple program to read a web page. But the problem is connect() didn't return. Why was that ? any idea? #include <unistd.h> #include ...
[1 reply] : sorry I had done a very simple mistake , I'd able to get rid of that.... (by sanzilla)
QT aint working.
Hello! I simply try to program "Hello world" in C++ in Linux, and cant do it. if i put mouseover <iostream> i get an info "no such file or directory", look a...
[4 replies] Last: Well, you include a library after the main has already ended, furtherm... (by Kyon)
cin,cout,and endl of c++
Hi, Dear everybody,I write a program,it includes followed head files: #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <fstream.h> #inc...
[16 replies] Last: mr kyon thanks U so much cause I'l be learn c++ brginner on linux........ (by glamvian)
by rperre
Talking to a usb device
Hey all, I'm new here, so be gentle :) I installed a driver in linux that can talk to the X10 CM19A RF transeiver. All is well installing that. I can now...
[3 replies] Last: Ah, of course. After all, everything in unix is a file ;) (by m4ster r0shi)
Free UNIX/LINUX Interview Kit for Software Professionals
Dear Friends, We are providing you a Free UNIX/LINUX Interview Success Kit to software professionals like you. Join our http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group...
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September 2010 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [aug2010] [oct2010]

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