getting segmentation fault (error occured)
[4 replies] Last: Watch out for this kind of errors as they can spend a lot of your time... (by benhart)
by GTR4j
Terminal cp error
[2 replies] Last: Fascinating. First, there is use of A&B as in: $ echo foo & echo bar... (by keskiverto)
X11 How to get window data pointer? |
[5 replies] Last: If you've configured X to use double buffering, there should be a func... (by helios)
by zepher
customized watchdog for linux daemons
[3 replies] Last: I know a website of components, hope it can help you http://www.findic... (by Tooom)
by ehsan96696
Displaying data from an array of files.
[2 replies] Last: So it actually works, just a grammatical error on my part. Thank you f... (by ehsan96696)
by Shiro744760
Game of Life in C++
[4 replies] Last: in c/c++ you have to provide include guards to prevent multiple defini... (by rottenpamiro)
by alexBB
Passing an array to a subroutine
[5 replies] Last: vector<complex<double>> should solve the first of those. Fixing the ... (by Repeater)
by Nkazi30
Segmentation fault (core dump)
[3 replies] Last: Those kind of errors could have been spotted earlier if detected while... (by benhart)