UNIX/Linux Programming - October 2015 (Page 2)

D-Bus over network
Hi everyone) Currently I'm working on a project related to development of software with microservice architecture where IPC is held by means of freedesktop dbus...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks) (by Diredko)
Getting Seg fault
I am trying to run a program that stores data using vectors. I am getting a segmentation fault (code dumped). Here is what gdb has to say : #0 0x00000031786...
[1 reply] : Some code is required in order to understand the context. (by NoXzema)
CPP threads does not work on Unix-like machines!
Hi, i cannot run the following program with MSVS.NET c++, gcc on Linux or LLVM Clang on MAC. If you have any idea where it goes wrong please let me know :( T...
[4 replies] Last: I think I found a clearer answer! I will post it there on stackoverflo... (by morchalabi)
Where are the places we using UNIX operating system?
[2 replies] Last: There are quite a large variety of Unix based systems... Solaris also ... (by closed account zNASE3v7)
Has anyone used the ncurses (not curses) library? What would be the best way to implement it in C++. I'm trying to use it to create a simple text editor but I...
[1 reply] : I've used it to make a simple snake game with it. I don't understand ... (by ChajusSaib)
October 2015 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [sep2015] [nov2015]

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