UNIX/Linux Programming - October 2011 (Page 3)

Comparing Pointer in an If Statement
Hello, I am working on my Unix programming assignments and have run into a block. I am trying to be able to compare two pointers, then return the value of the...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the replies...I ended up writing something similar to //... (by Chevytuff19)
Importing a module to python
I have to import a module from a website to my python programmer. Specifically from: http://code.google.com/p/pyftpdlib/ I have no idea how to do that. Any h...
[2 replies] Last: care to explain further? (by kakashi316)
Accessing and assigning values in MAP, C++
Hi, I am using C++ to model traffic simulation on Linux platform. I am trying to read data from map object and assigning data..attached is the relevant code ...
[2 replies] Last: when i removed the pointed part..it gave a an error like error: no ma... (by Gaurav Vyas)
socket programming and pthread
Hi, how can a server knows that a client has left the socket? I wish to have the server returns to the accept(*listenSocket....) command to wait for new client...
[2 replies] Last: I have some code that I found on the internet a while ago that I have ... (by Galik)
by no one
linking : selecting Symbols from 2 or more different dynamic libraries
Dear People, I have the following question: in libA.so i have a symbol S or function S ,plus another functions. In libB.so I have a better imple...
[1 reply] : C doesn't really support that kind of thing. With any luck, it'll tel... (by kbw)
makefile dependency list empty
Hi everyone I have a makefile that looks like this %.xxx: @cp $(@D) $(SOMEPLACE) @zip -j $@ $^ $(SOMEPATH)/%.xxx: file.xml anotherfile.xml...
[3 replies] Last: You should indent by tabs, not spaces, in a makefile. This was the... (by sohguanh)
HELP: nanosleep causes huge amount of local timer interrupts
Hi all: I have a user mode application which uses nanosleep in a while(1) loop, unfortunately it brings a huge amount of local time interrupts, which greatly d...
[1 reply] : May I know which Unix/Linux you are using and what interval you set fo... (by sohguanh)
Decimal Places in C
I know that to print the number 2.0000 to 2 decimal places I print% .2 f. But my question is: input: 2 1000 20 200 output 0002 1000 0020 0200 how...
[8 replies] Last: I guess support for __int32 and __int64 are a hint. Point taken. (by kbw)
Makefile, g++
I have literally been up all night working on this darn code, and I finally got it running right, but not I cannot get it to work into the makefile. Here is my...
[1 reply] : This line here I'm getting this error when I call 'make': g++ -c -W... (by guestgulkan)
How to read this line blank? in C
This entry is my code imput: 1 10 6 But I do not know how to read this line blank? The first line of input, is a integer number(int), and in the ...
[1 reply] : scanf("%i\n%i %i\n", &data); (by chinalinux)
mock ftp server
I essentially have to write a mock ftp server which for all intensive purposes will be running in a backtrack machine. I have no idea where to start. I do know ...
[4 replies] Last: You could go to sourceforge and search for ftp server. Nothing spring... (by kbw)
What‘s the corresponding library file for memcpy??
Hi all: I just what to know which file is the library for memcpy, is libc.2.*.so or what??A bunch of library file in /lib.
[1 reply] : libc on Unix, glibc on GNU/Linux (by kbw)
by prolog
Debugging files in deeper directories with gdb
Hi all, I'm working on a Roguelike game in cygwin using g++ and Code::Blocks, and have a directory structure that looks like: jrcpp jrcpp/display/include jrcp...
[1 reply] : I think the problem may be solved by the information here: http://www... (by prolog)
Serial Port Programing
Can any body help me who have experience on setting the serial port using Linux which include How to open the serial port ? How to set/configure serial por...
[1 reply] : one previous link on this board: http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/beginn... (by Azagaros)
Is it possible to install a global new/delete function?
I am trying to use my own RAMPool to solve fragmentation issue, but there's a vendor library that I don't have the source code(only the header and so). I tried ...
[2 replies] Last: void* operator new(size_t size) throw(std::bad_alloc) { return o... (by writetonsharma)
how do i compile code and write code in ubuntu?
do i just do it in notepad and do it with the terminal and what are the terminal commands to compile it or is their a compiler i can use...i want to try coding ...
[10 replies] Last: I still say go with Emacs and make :) (by ascii)
Hi I want to make a radio streamer, which basically do the following things, 1)establish connection over HTTP with shoutcast and fetch main page 2)Parse main...
[2 replies] Last: Well I break it up..But I am naive in this field..I'm just in my bache... (by MICK)
by fbg00
g++: Undefined reference in very simple example
Please help with the following noob question about C++ and g++ compilation and linking. Essentially I have 2 classes in 2 different files, and can compile them...
[2 replies] Last: I think the reason is that the compiler treats the function defined in... (by EricDu)
about \n, and compilation
#include<stdio.h> main() { float x, y, r = 0; char sinal; scanf("%f%f%c", &x, &y, &sinal); if (sinal == '+') ...
[2 replies] Last: Did you input from stdin or a re-directed file? They might give differ... (by EricDu)
Using CMake for a new library and namespace
Let me first apologize for all of the code, but I felt it was needed, anyone that helps will most likely need it anyway. So I'm having issues with CMake, I w...
[no replies]
October 2011 Pages: 1234
  Archived months: [sep2011] [nov2011]

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