UNIX/Linux Programming - November 2015

dsr/linkcache .cc: fatal error: list.h: no such file or directory.
I am using NS2 and Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS I uesd "make" to recompile NS2. I got the following error: dsr/linkcache .cc: fatal error: list.h: no such file or dir...
[1 reply] : I assume you added the /usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-29/include directo... (by Shadowwolf)
How to create make file as auto run exe in linux
I have created the make file using c++ program. I ran the program using the cmd ./sample. I need to run this make file when server on. So i need the help for a...
[1 reply] : https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Autostarting (by ne555)
g++ compilor error regard extra qualification?
Hey guys, so I have two files, a .h and a .cpp as such: //this is shopper.h #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; class Shopper ...
[1 reply] : You don't need to scope the class when inside the class declaration. J... (by jlb)
my first makefile succeed
/*#include <file.h> You should use #include "file.h" when file.h is in the same directory of the file that include it. This is the major error I confronte...
[1 reply] : Is there a question here? What error are you getting? (by koothkeeper)
Compile Error
This code compiles fine in Windows using strcpy_s however in Linux/Unix I get errors. What can I do to fix this and make it go through? Song.cpp #include...
[6 replies] Last: What that is closest to strcpy_s is strcpy, not strncpy. Both will... (by Thomas1965)
by ATC
Linked list unexpected output
I am trying to create a linked list, however when I run the main program the output is unexpected. Header file: #ifndef LINKEDLIST_H #define LINKEDLIST_...
[1 reply] : LinkedList::LinkedList() { Node *first = new Node(); //Declared lo... (by ne555)
GTK+ 3 MessageBox
Hello everyone, I've been trying to implement a simple messagebox in GTK+ 3 on Linux (32-bit Ubuntu). I use the following code: #include <gtk/gtk.h> ...
[2 replies] Last: The program entry point looks like this: #include <GLFW/glfw3.h> #... (by Shadowwolf)
Changing object variable
Hey guys, im new to the forum. I just wanted to ask something about this code. I want to change the name of the Player J1 inside the main, but its being impossi...
[3 replies] Last: your code will work too if you return the name by reference string&... (by xenoviaquarta)
daemon that buzzes when you switch the keyboard layout :)
I'm new to C ++, but I want to write a daemon that runs mp3 file and buzzing when I switch the language. What should I read? In order to do it. for Fedora
[1 reply] : xxkb changes icon when you change language in xorg. Get it's source an... (by Konstantin2)
[C] change console output?
I noticed that linux is capable of "updating" the output from console, e.g. when it downloads something, there's a text progress bar, how do I do that in my pro...
[3 replies] Last: Then you need to use something like ncurses. (by kbw)
command line argument problem
Hi, I have a program, which name is p1. I want it to do different things when I give different command line arguments. For example, if I give the comman...
[1 reply] : http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Example-of-Getopt.ht... (by ShiftLeft)
Magic Square
Develop a C++ program which determines if a square matrix is a magic square. A magic square is an nxn (i.e, square) matrix of numbers containing all numbers fr...
[3 replies] Last: Can you please start a new thread rather than taking over someone else... (by kbw)
unix program
Hello I'm getting unexpected results when running this program on command line/terminal window. This should sort input lines in alphabetical order, and if an op...
[7 replies] Last: argv is of type char* . "-n" is of type const char* The == ... (by kbw)
How do I Install Abbreviation Plugins on code blocks 13.12?
I'm new user on Ubuntu(14.04), and I install code blocks 13.12. But I found that here Abbreviation plugin is not installed automatically. So would you please he...
[no replies]
Suppressing the GCC warning: "<term1> is obsolescent, use <term2> instead."
Hi, I've been programming in C++ for years, but I am new to programming on Linux and gcc/g++. My team at work is developing an application for embedded Linu...
[4 replies] Last: that warning is incorrect by the way, the replacement for gethostbynam... (by Cubbi)
dsr/linkcache .cc: fatal error: list.h: no such file or directory.
I am using NS2 and Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS I uesd "make" to recompile NS2. I got the following error: dsr/linkcache .cc: fatal error: list.h: no such file or dir...
[no replies]
by AdamT
nested if optimization with a lock in between
Hi Is it possible that a compiler optimize the second if statement in the following code, (x is an integer with class scope ) void MyClass:foo() { if(x) ...
[1 reply] : Does the standard say anything in this case? Have you tried reading ... (by Zaita)
gdb debug issue about "main.cpp No such file or directory."
I just start learning to use gdb. I am debugging a program using gdb. I firstly start the program then attach the gdb with the process as gdb excuteFile pid T...
[no replies]
Caesar Cipher Trouble Keeping letters lowercased and upper cased
Please help me correct this code. 3rd post is where the code is at
[3 replies] Last: That's really complicated. Anyway, the algorithms, do they seem right... (by kbw)
  Archived months: [oct2015] [dec2015]

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