UNIX/Linux Programming - November 2014

Undefined reference - problem in CMakeLists?
I have a large amount of code, so I have tried to only include the relevant parts of the code here
[1 reply] : [quote=larry burns]/ws/larryburns/cmake/ME/ Build /sc/CMakeLists.txt T... (by norm b)
Question on security
Dont know if it is proper to ask here but still I will have a go: What is the difference between systems and network security? Say for example server, it ...
[no replies]
difference in received data thgrough listener.c and netcat
I build a simple UDP server which listens continuouls to the hexadecimal datagrams sends from a client. Client specification IP - port - 1901 The...
[11 replies] Last: server_address_ob.sin_family = AF_INET; server_address_ob.sin_po... (by bsnayak)
by mzzz
what's wrong with my shell
hey, guys~ I'm kinda new to shell programming on linux. my code is as follows: #!/bin/bash a = 111 echo $a read -p "..." and the execution result i...
[3 replies] Last: Include f.e. # Code not being debugged set -vx # Your code to be debu... (by tcs)
identifying a client
Can i recognize a client without receiving data on server from this client. I have two clients, where client one would send a message to client 2. Client 2 must...
[11 replies] Last: @kbw: I solved this issue somehow and i know how it can be identifie... (by bsnayak)
catch SIGSEGV in a library
I'm loading various shared libraries (think of them as small plugins) at runtime. My problem is that these "plugins" will be provided by third parties. So I don...
[3 replies] Last: @tcs Ok. I will see if it's possible to change my design to a multipro... (by Scindix)
by mzzz
what‘s wrong with my makefile
recently, i am learning how to write a makefile on linux. now, i give my source files and returned mistakes: f1.h void f1(); f1.c #include "f1.h" #include <...
[7 replies] Last: @kbw thinks for your kindness. i get it. and think you again (by mzzz)
by HG319
Trying to remotely log in with windows computer
I want to be able to log into remotely to my school's Linux/Unix system so I can work on my labs at home. I downloaded XLaunch, and an SSH Secure Shell Client f...
[4 replies] Last: Use -X instead of -x . From ssh(1): -X Enables X11 forwardi... (by tcs)
build gui
I have a code form company,with bad tutorial.I need to build Gui for the code that has already been compiled.I am giving the link,hope I will get instructions h...
[no replies]
String is full of garbage
Hello I have this code here what I need to do is count the number of chars in this string. The word can be as long as WORD_LENGTH. While debugging in gdb the st...
[3 replies] Last: Hi You should consider NULL character to terminate the loop int g... (by raju8438)
Pthread Unlock and return some value
hi, I want to call to a simple synchronized function and return some value. Is it possible with fallowing code in a multi threaded environment? int d...
[2 replies] Last: Hi, You did not miss anything. I got your idea. It is clarified that ... (by dushantha12)
by Seb26
rPI camera + zBar = memory-leak
Hi, I'v trying to build a simple QR codes scanner using a Raspberry PI with camera and the zBar library. That works but I have a memory-leak problem and I...
[2 replies] Last: valgrind don't work fine on Raspberry PI ... (by Seb26)
how to include fparser.hh header file in codeblocks in ubuntu please give the whole process urgent plz
[4 replies] Last: no (by naveenkenz12)
by Seb26
[cURL] library call equivalent to shell
Hi world, I'm trying to reproduce this job by using cURL library instead of shell call : curl -F name=seb -F color=blue -F file=@/mnt/ramdisk/myFile.zip ...
[3 replies] Last: Yes, that how you upload a file. (by modoran)
Invalid Read && Write Valgrind Error
Hello, I am getting this error from Valgrind. The programs seems to work fine and all the memory is freed. If I comment out the call to the size function there ...
[2 replies] Last: Hi could you post your hashTable.h and main() program? (by tipaye)
Playing .pcm file?
Hi all , i have .pcm/.raw./wav file i want to play it in linux and windows both. the main thing is that i am reading it in chunks and playing it by passing...
[1 reply] : Use a library like BASS, which is more more that what you need: http:/... (by modoran)
Alternating Between Parent and Child -Pipes
Hi, I need to write a program that alternates between parent and child, which the child printing first. I need to output Parent or Child, the pid, and a random ...
[2 replies] Last: 1. Your process may not output anything because both, parent and child... (by tcs)
keylogger on a raspbian pi
hey guys, So I'm running a cute little robot off a pi, and I'm trying to figure out how to control it with the wasd keys. ergo, i'd like to run the program,...
[1 reply] : you can try to use SDL library. http://www.libsdl.org/release/SDL-1.2... (by Seb26)
by tnavid
compile asn1 file
Hi, i have an asn1 file from "http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5272" -> "Appendix A. ASN.1 Module" -> "EnrollmentMessageSyntax.." i use asn1c to compile it to...
[3 replies] Last: You haven't actually asked for specific help. To answer your question... (by kbw)
Connection Issue from outside the network
I created a program that servers ascii art animations over telent. I am able to connect on the same network using telnet localhost 2023 . However, Once i try t...
[4 replies] Last: I was not able to ping the host, so I looked at the port forwarding se... (by haglerchristopher)
November 2014 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [oct2014] [dec2014]

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