by csstudent123
Signal Handler for all 64 signals
[1 reply] : You can try a for-loop: for all the signals call signal( signa... (by koothkeeper)
by Albuquerster
How read serial without consume byte
[1 reply] : Depending on what class you use, it's possible. You can use putback()... (by koothkeeper)
by csstudent123
Why close other end of pipe?
[5 replies] Last: Thanks dhayden...sorry for misunderstanding booth (by csstudent123)
by mogha
Data Shared Memory
[6 replies] Last: You said it's in shared memory, which means it's shared between proces... (by dhayden)
by ribes96
How to make the gotoxy function??
[2 replies] Last: Curses would be the best solution for a full on, text-based app. But y... (by andywestken)
by csstudent123
Stack Smashing detected in IPC
[2 replies] Last: I am following the examples from handouts to solve new problems, (by csstudent123)
by csstudent123
An example of waitpid()
[no replies]
Error with Vector of Vectors of Custom struct |
[5 replies] Last: I was using it as a single vector, not a vector of vectors. Sorry. Tha... (by closed account NUj6URfi)
by mogha
[2 replies] Last: Idea is to build the application of CentOS Linux release 7.0.1406 (Co... (by mogha)
by ugiwgh
memcpy poblem
[3 replies] Last: I'm going to guess that `getdata()' is returning the memory address of... (by ne555)
by Cylarnet
Hey im new learning sockets in linux
[2 replies] Last: No this is good thank you learning alot from it thanks again. (by Cylarnet)
by Khaled Shal
Running Opencv sample in linux terminal
[3 replies] Last: The program will generate a lot of images, the output_prefix refers to... (by ne555)
by csstudent123
FOrk and processes, how does it work
[5 replies] Last: thanks (by csstudent123)
by sneakfun
Comparing a double with another calculated double fails on 32Bit Linux only
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for your answer. It is clear that i can't expect same resul... (by sneakfun)
by mogha
[no replies]
by csstudent123
Help! Need to design and implement a basic shell
[2 replies] Last: thanks, will search, if any prob I come back (by csstudent123)
by oseri
GDB setting a breakpoint in a strange file
[1 reply] : You are probably being bitten by compiler optimization -- add -O0 (tha... (by koothkeeper)
by alexeqv
Help with regular expressions
[1 reply] : #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include <regex> #include <str... (by ne555)
by whitebeard
Difficulty with classes and pointers
[5 replies] Last: bool user_1::Execute(SampleFormat& sample, const EventFormat& event) ... (by ne555)
by dezire
Combining Multiple Behaviors- Robotics
[no replies]