UNIX/Linux Programming - March 2015

Send and receive data through serial port In linux
I want to be able to detect every serial port device connected to the computer, and I want to be able to connect to the device that has the last serial pot numb...
[1 reply] : On Linux, and UNIX, most devices can be thought of as files, and as su... (by koothkeeper)
Battery Info
How do I get the battery percent, if the battery is charging or not, if it is connected to the ac adapter, and the temperature in linux using c/c++?
[2 replies] Last: And yet another more elegant option is to use D-Bus. See what you can ... (by deu439)
Shared Libraries
I want to create a shared library in c/c++, using eclipse IDE, to use with labview in Linux. I was wondering if someone could tell me how can I develop these sh...
[no replies]
Application distributable
Is there a way to package a c/c++ app so that it can be distributed and installed in various linux distros?
[2 replies] Last: Is there a way to make different distributable packages for the differ... (by nando88)
by Ema
Please help me!!! it is an urgent, what are the smallest floating-point numbers in c++ and java?
Please, can anyone tell me what are the smallest floating-point numbers in java and c++?
[1 reply] : [quote=Ema]Please, can anyone tell me what are the smallest floating-p... (by LB)
Essentials of Linux
Hi. Please explain to me the following. I know these are online but not written in a way for a beginner student: UID PID PPID C daemon 3884 3425 0 daemon 3879...
[4 replies] Last: thanks..much clear....I did for user xyz: UID PID PPID C STIME TTY ... (by csstudent123)
Install Stanford libraries...
Hello, I am trying to solve the Stanford course materials at home Course cs106bx. I am a Beginner , new to programming. Is there any way to use the Stanford li...
[no replies]
PThread, BOOST:Thread and C++11 Thread comparison
Where can you use multithreading/concurrency library provided by BOOST, C++11 STL and Pthread? What would be the different scenarios and need where these librar...
[3 replies] Last: AFAIK C++ STL and Boost threads are largely interchangable, since the ... (by Disch)
by MacC
Unicode Terminal
Hello, I recently started programming with ncurses on Linux. Through experimenting with it, I found, that if the terminal doesn't support specific character...
[2 replies] Last: This looks like a more comprehensive answer. https://stackoverflow.com... (by kbw)
Piping and C
Hi. I am new in shell programming. I have this problem which I want to teach myself. Please head me in the right direction: "Your program should read the out...
[7 replies] Last: -b bytes -w words -l lines In other words, the argument tells which ... (by keskiverto)
Multithreading Seg fault
I am new to multithreading and I tried to implement it using pthreads on my merge sort. mergeSort4 recursively divides the given array into two halves and sort ...
[1 reply] : First of all, please check your return codes. Also, why are you cre... (by koothkeeper)
Change of the locale
First of all, I'm sorry for my English. I'm trying to change the locale in a C++ program to put accented letters in a wchar_t variables and viewed it on termin...
[no replies]
by Damian
what does '...' mean in c/c++?
Recently i view nginx source code, and see the code below: switch (rc) { case NGX_HTTP_SPECIAL_RESPONSE ... NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR...
[2 replies] Last: LB is correct OP, however just so you are aware, the ellipsis operator... (by Little Bobby Tables)
C/C++ with bash/UNIX Tutorials
where can I find some good using C/C++ with UNIX/bash tutorials? Thank You AO!
[4 replies] Last: Automation is best done in Bash on Unix, not C++. ummm i wouldnt s... (by Little Bobby Tables)
Check Leak using VmData
I want to Check Memory Leak. I checked VmData of /proc/pid/status. I deleted Heap Region but VmData was not changed. Help me. Below is my testCode. ...
[2 replies] Last: valgrind is a good tool to check memleak~ (by Damian)
need help understanding makefile
I have a homework assignment but I am struggling to create the makefile. My teacher hasn't provided any walk through examples (and it's an online class).Please ...
[10 replies] Last: ok, well, to each his own. I use cmake because I was able to write a ... (by IWishIKnew)
OpenGL/X11 rendering problem using Qt QGLWidget on Ubuntu
I am having a very strange problem with an OpenGL visualization in a Qt window. The basics of the application: QMainWindow with a derived QTabWindow as the c...
[no replies]
Linked List with a node using push_back
I am having trouble with void push_back() i dont knwo what to put in the () to make it work. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <vecto...
[2 replies] Last: put your code in proper format (by ButchCavendish)
g++ compiler does not include header file
Hi I am using g++ to compile on a raspberry pi. using the following the project compiles: g++ -c file1.cpp file2.ccp .....filen.cpp however using the fo...
[1 reply] : > these functions are defined in a header file your header file contai... (by ne555)
check result from DB if value exists
Hey guys, I have a big problem, I have to check a result set i get from a database if it contains a certain value and print something. But it does not work t...
[1 reply] : What are you doing? The manual states that getInt() returns an int h... (by keskiverto)
March 2015 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [feb2015] [apr2015]

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